Monday, November 3, 2008

3rd Annual Power Women's Conference & Expo

Hosted by the Surprise Regional Chamber of Commerce, October 3, 2008

What an amazing and uplifting day, packed with 11 speakers and over 200 attendees. It was both an honor and a privilege to serve as this year's Conference Manager, and to be the head of education.

I would like to thank all of our phenomenal speakers! We had such a great line up this year! Starting with a power charged talk entitled: Power Up by Sherry Anshara. An Incredible Morning Keynote and Breakout sessions by the amazing Jewel Diamond Taylor. She is such a source of Inspiration!

We had 3 tracts of break out tracts for Balance, Business, and Health. Featuring such fantastic speakers as Arlene Rosenberg, teaching How to be Unstoppable, Bob Hobbs Jr., teaching Hope-Vision-Passion, and Dr. Jake Psenka teaching on Stress and how it affects your health! 

We were so very blessed to have best selling author, Life Coach and speaker, Martha Beck, PhD as our luncheon keynote. 

It was truly an amazing day and I feel so very blessed to have been a part of it!

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