Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I wanted to share a great tip by a local author, and speaker Marsha Petrie Sue she has a fabulous group on Facebook called Personal Responsibility for Success Club....
Business Success and Recognition

To members of Personal Responsibility for Success Club

Marsha Petrie Sue
Today at 7:42am

Take time today to send a special letter of gratefulness, gratitude and thanks to someone special that has helped your career and business. Don't send an email, I mean a real, on paper, letter. Tell them how they have helped and encouraged your success. This should take no more than 10 minutes so stop what you are doing right now, and get started. Business success starts with taking personal responsibility for your actions.

Here's an idea. Find someone that you had issues with and didn't agree; what you learned from that interaction. How did that tenuous situation help you grow your communication, relationship building skills and emotional intelligence.

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